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marathon dreams flushed
Tuesday, Sept. 05, 2006 - 9:25 p.m.
the unmotivated
Monday, Jul. 03, 2006 - 5:22 p.m.
they don't dig
Sunday, Jun. 18, 2006 - 3:43 p.m.
breadstick crumbs
Tuesday, Jun. 06, 2006 - 9:51 p.m.
too good to be true
Monday, Jun. 05, 2006 - 10:50 p.m.

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the morning after

Friday, Aug. 15, 2003 - 11:25 a.m.

Well whadya know, we survived the night. Last night I went home trying to avoid all the major intersections. The sis and the madre were chillin in the backyard. I went and dug out all the candles, flashlights, spare batteries because, you know, it was going to get dark and um, we got no electricity. Good thing I stocked up on candles back at Y2K. I found one of our old walkmans that had a radio and some old plug-in speakers so we had news and info. The madre has a propane stove that she uses for cooking in the backyard so we had fried rice. When it got dark we went out to look at the stars since it was actually dark enough with all the city lights out.

Yeah so power in our area came back on around 3:00AM. But my clock radio is still a piece of shit. I need a new clock radio. On the news some government type person urged people not to go to work unless they were essential services workers. Well gee I work at the fish tank so I wonder if that counts as essential services. Our building has a back-up generator so I figured I�d be a little keener and go into work. The traffic lights were still out but traffic was pretty light. I guess most people decided to stay home. There are still dumb-fuck-idiots who don�t know that you�re supposed to treat all non-functioning traffic lights as four-way stops. Fucking idiots. Back at the fish tank there is still no electricity and we�re still running on generator power with only a quarter tank left. Or production servers are up and running but they shut down the development and testing servers. So basically we�re all sitting around doing nothing except for surfing and chatting. Half the company didn�t come to work anyway. They figure we�ll be out of fuel by noon or early afternoon. I think I�ll go home soon.

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